BRICS expands, acquires some financial heft

What gives BRICS an edge over the West and its institutions is that fact that is embraces the diversity of its members and does not seek to impose any political or economic model upon the world * The Global South intensified its quest for more egalitarian and responsive international institutions … Read More

Poland revives old revanchist ambitions

Polish leaders are keen for a coalition under the NATO umbrella to intervene in the Ukraine conflict The looming defeat of Ukraine is likely to trigger a new crisis in Europe, as an agitated Poland may attack Belarus in a desperate move to pull NATO into the conflict. Former CIA … Read More

Zelensky’s troubles mount

Zelensky is caught between the devil and the deep sea South African President Cyril Ramaphosa arrived in Kyiv on June 16, 2023, to discuss his country’s peace proposals with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Ramaphosa then proceeded to St. Petersburg for talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The African diplomatic initiative, … Read More

Nine Years of Narendra Modi

The past nine years have seen formidable progress on several fronts. Taking seriously the challenges facing the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in the run-up to the general elections in 2024, Prime Minister Narendra Modi held a four-hour long meeting with the chief ministers and deputy chief ministers of BJP-ruled states … Read More

Canards against Donald Trump exposed

The muted response to the explosive revelations of Special Counsel John Durham regarding the audacious conspiracy to implicate Donald Trump on charges of collusion with Russia in the 2016 American presidential election, will nevertheless give a boost to the former US President’s re-election bid in 2024. Any Democratic Party hopes … Read More

Ukraine Proxy War heats up

The Wednesday night (May 3, 2023) attack on the Kremlin by two Ukrainian drones, allegedly an attempt to assassinate Russian President Vladimir Putin, is perhaps clear evidence that the Kiev regime is fighting a proxy war on behalf of the US-led NATO-European Union. President Volodymyr Zelensky was possibly unaware of … Read More

Russia and China: Rise of the East

Although Russia and China, the two largest countries of the non-Western bloc, have been moving closer for more than a decade, the visit of President Xi Jinping to Moscow (March 20-22, 2023) has been widely perceived as heralding the end of the US-led Western domination of the world and the … Read More

Khalistan propaganda spreads in West

The so-called referendum for an independent Khalistan spread to a third Western nation after Canada and the United Kingdom, and led to clashes with nationalist Indians waving the Tricolour at Federation Square in Melbourne, venue of the event, on Sunday, January 29, 2023. While the “referendum” has no legal or … Read More

Biden seeks to revive US-China ties

The US warming up to China was long expected in view of wintry ties with Russia over NATO’s expansion to its doorstep in Ukraine By walking the length of a long hall to greet President Xi Jinping at the G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, on November 14, US President Joe … Read More

Geography and spirituality: Adivasi paradigm

The British theory of an Aryan Invasion to which India owned its culture and religious traditions was doubted by Indian scholars in the colonial era itself. Sukumar Dutt observed that the conception of India as a distinct entity existed in the minds of the people from primordial times (Problem of … Read More